Sync Occasion with your Google Calendar

Occasion offers a two-way sync with your Google Calendar. There are multiple benefits to this:

  1. Plan your Occasion events around your personal life quickly
  2. Plan your personal life around your business
  3. Block availability for customers based on your personal availability

In this article, you will cover:

Connecting your Google Calendar to Occasion

  1. After logging into your Occasion workspace, click this link, which will take you to your Settings page.
  2. In the left menu, click "Integrations"
  3. Then, click "Connect to Google Calendar"
  4. This will open a pop-up through Google
    1. If you are already logged in to your Google Account, select the account to connect to Occasion and allow requested permissions.
    2. If you are NOT logged in to your Google Account - please log in and authorize Occasion to connect to your Google Account.

Setting up one-way or two-way sync between Occasion and Google Calendar

One-way Sync: Pulling personal events into Occasion:

  1. Once your Google Calendar is synced, visit your Google Calendar settings page.
  2. On this page, you will see all the Google Calendars available to be viewed in your Occasion workspace.
  3. Check the box next to each calendar you wish to view in your Occasion workspace.
  4. Make sure to "Save Changes" at the top right corner of the page.
  5. Wait a few minutes as Occasion syncs with your calendar.
  6. Then visit your Workspace Calendar. Make sure the Google Calendar switch is set to "Visible" and not to "Hidden," using the switch toward the bottom left of the calendar.
  7. Your Google events should show up along with your Occasion bookings.

A couple of points to note:

  1. All-day events will not sync from Google Calendar to Occasion.
  2. When you add an event to your Google calendar, it should take no longer than one hour for us to synchronize it with Occasion.

Two-way sync between Occasion Calendar and Google Calendar.

  1. Use the steps above to sync your personal events from Google to Occasion.
  2. To sync Occasion Events to Google Calendar,
    1. Once your Google Calendar is synced, visit your Google Calendar page.
    2. On this page, you will see a toggle that says "Push Occasion Events to Google Calendar."
    3. Check that box and make sure to "Save Change" at the top right corner of the page.


When an event on your calendar gets booked, we push it to Google immediately.

Block availability on Occasion based on personal availability

  1. Once your Google Calendar is synced, visit your Google Calendar settings page.
  2. On this page, you will see all the Google Calendars available that can be used to block your availability in Occasion.
  3. Check the box next to each calendar you wish to use.
  4. Make sure to "Save Change" at the top right corner of the page.

Disconnecting Google Calendar from your Occasion workspace

  1. After logging into your Occasion workspace, click "Settings" on the left-side navigation bar.
  2. Click on "Account Settings."
  3. From the menu on the left, choose "Integrations."
  4. Now you can choose to "Disconnect" your Google Calendar using the blue button. 
  5. Confirm the request in the pop-up window.

Common Questions

  1. Why do only certain events show on my Google Calendar and not my full calendar? Currently, Occasion only syncs events when a customer books them. Events that are not booked are hidden. Alternatively, if you absolutely need it, we can share a raw ICS feed that you can connect to your Google Calendar to view all events. However, this ICS feed can be slow at times, unfortunately.
  2. How does Occasion show up in my Google Calendar? If you enable "push to Google", your Occasion calendar will appear as "Occasion-yourbusinessname" in your Google Calendar.
  3. Will events marked as private on my Google Calendar show? No, private events will not show on your calendar unless you toggle on "show private events on the calendar" in your website calendar layout tab.
  4. Does Occasion integrate with Outlook calendar for a two-way sync? We do not offer a native Outlook or Apple Calendar integration but we do plan on incorporating the feature in the future!

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