Set-up Group and Discount Pricing

Occasion gives you many unique ways to set-up pricing for your events. In this article, we will show you how you can create different types of group and discount pricing options for your events. 

You will go over what Fixed and Tiered Attendee Pricing is and you will go over some examples on ways you can use them.

Fixed Attendee Pricing 

This is the option to use if your pricing does not change based on the number of attendees that are registering - each person pays a fixed fee. For example: 1 person pays $10, 5 people pay $50, 10 people pay $100.

To add a Fixed Attendee Pricing question:

  1. Click on Add Question from the bottom of your listing workspace editor and select the "Fixed Attendee Pricing" option.

  2. Fill out the information including the question title, the price per person, and the maximum number of tickets of this type you'd like to allow to be purchased in the same order.

    If you'd like to require your customers to purchase at least one of these types of questions on their order check the "Hide the 0 option" box. Checking this box is recommended if that pricing question is the only pricing option on your registration form.

Tiered Attendee Pricing

This pricing question allows you to customize the price and number of people who would be registering for each option you define. 

For example: 1 person pays $10, 2 people pay $18, 3 people pay $25, and 4 people pay $30.

Tiered attendee pricing appears as a drop-down list for your customers.

To add a Tiered Attendee Pricing question: 

  1. Click on Add Question from the bottom of the listing workspace editor and select the "Tiered Attendee Pricing" option.

  2. Fill out the information, including the question title, whether this is a required question (recommended if this is the only pricing option on your registration form), and whether the question should impact attendance - please check this box if you'd like the class availability to be reduced by the number of tickets that are purchased with this pricing question.
  3. Set up your pricing options by selecting the price for each as well as the number of people that will be registered for the class when each option is selected.


Now, we will show you some use cases on how this can apply to your business.

Use Case 1: Sibling Discounts

Say you want to offer an event where 1 child pays $100 and her siblings pay $70. Here's how you will set that up:

  1. Choose "Tiered Attendee Pricing"
  2. Set "Select Number of children" as the title and check the box for "Impacts Attendance".
  3. As your first option type "1 Child" and set the price at $100 for 1 attendee.
  4. As your second option type "1 Child + 1 Sibling" and set the price at $170 for 2 attendees and so on.

Use Case 2: Multiple Group Types

Say you have an event where adults and kids can sign up. Adults pay $20 per person and kids pay $10 per person. Here's how you will set that up:

  1. Choose the "Fixed Attendee Pricing". 
  2. Set the question title to "Select Number of Adults" and the price per person to $20.
  3. Again, choose the "Fixed Attendee Pricing" again. Set the "Select Number of Kids" and price per person to $10

Use Case 3: Couples Pricing

Say you have an event only for couples. Each couple pays $100 and the number of seats should be reduced by 2. Here's how you will set that up:

  1. Choose "Tiered Attendee Pricing". 
  2. Set "Select Number of Couples" as the title and check the box for "Impacts Attendance".
  3. As your first option type "1 Couple" and set the price at $100 for 2 attendees
  4. As your second option type "2 Couples" and set the price at $200 for 4 attendees and so on.

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