See, Manage, Print and Email Your Roster

In this article, you'll learn how to see, manage, print, and email / communicate with your roster.

What is a Roster?

An event Roster is a list of everyone who is registered to attend the event. Your roster includes the following information:

  • Customer Name: The name of the customer who booked the event.
  • Guest Names: The name(s) of attendees coming to the event.
  • Purchase Summary:Show purchase summary of every order
  • Information Summary: Shows answers to questions provided by customer for every order

Email / Text the Roster

You can trigger a manual email or text message to the roster of an event prior to or after the event. This is great for sending a manual reminder message or for manually collecting post-event feedback.

  1. From your Occasion Workspace, click on "Calendar" from the sidebar menu.
  2. Click on the Event you want to see the roster for.
  3. Once the Event window opens, click the "Message" tab and select the "New Message" button and click "Send Email".
  4. Here you will be able to customize:
      1. The Sending Account
      2. The Subject Line
      3. The Message Contents
  5. You can choose to "Send now" or Schedule to send your message later.
  6. Once sent all the attendees of the event will receive the email.

Print a Roster

To print a roster for an event from the Calendar Workspace:

  1. Click on the event for which you want to print the roster.
  2. Select the "Roster" tab and click "Print PDF".
  3. Give it a few seconds and your roster will be ready for printing.

An example PDF:

Edit the Roster

If you would like to edit the information that you see displayed on your roster, you can go to Settings > Your Account >Business Preferences > Event Roster.

When printing each event, you’ll have the option to select what information you'd like to include in the roster.

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