Additional Questions on Rosters

If you've added additional questions to an event registration form and you want to pull a report that includes your customers' answers to these additional questions, you might wonder how to effectively extract and organize this information.

In this article, you will cover,

How can you pull a Report?

Please follow the steps below:

  • Click on "Calendar" from the sidebar menu and select the event from there. 

From the Old Calendar Workspace

  1. Under the "Other" button dropdown button click on "View complete report". 
  2. On the report page click on the "Columns" button on the top and select the additional questions you'd like to include on the report.
  3. When you are happy with the report that's displayed below, you can export it to CSV or PDF or just print it out.

From the New Calendar Workspace

  1. Click on the "Roster" tab and then click on the "Export CSV" button, or you can simply print it out.

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