Collecting Taxes and Marking Exemptions

As a business, you may be required to collect taxes on sales when a booking is placed. Occasion makes it easy for you.

In this article, we will cover the following topics:

Setting tax rates to be collected during checkout

You can set the tax rate at the account-level:

  • From your Occasion Workspace, go to Settings > Account Settings
  • Then, select "Advanced Settings" from the left-panel.
  • Click edit next to the "Default sales tax rate" and enter the numeric portion of your sales tax rate. For 9.45%, enter 9.45 and and hit "Save".

Every time, you create a new listing - this is the default sales tax rate.

Do you have multiple Sales Tax Jurisdictions?

Occasion allows you to only collect one tax rate. Some jurisdictions have multiple tax rates to be collected. For such cases, we recommend setting your tax rate as a sum of all jurisdictions.

Changing the tax rate for a specific listing

You have a listing that is in a jurisdiction where the sales tax may be different from your account-level default. You have the option to establish a tax rate at each specific listing level.

To set up a tax rate:

  1. Login to your Occasion Workspace.
  2. While "editing a listing," go to the "Additional Pricing" on the left.
  3. For a tax rate of 8%, enter "8" in the "Sales Tax" field and click anywhere outside of the field to save changes.
  4. This will apply an 8% tax on the Order Subtotal.

Revising the tax rates

Let's admit it - tax rates change. We all want them to go down but they do go up. If you live in a place, where your tax rates went down - please email us at; we may want to move there as well.

To update your tax rate across all your listings quickly:

  • From your Occasion Workspace, go to Settings > Account Settings
  • Then, select "Advanced Settings" from the left-panel.
  • Click edit next to the "Default sales tax rate" and enter the numeric portion of your sales tax rate. For 9.45%, enter 9.45 and and hit "Save".

We will update the tax rate across all your listings.

Making certain items exempt from taxes

Would you like to include an additional pricing question that excludes tax, while applying tax to the main ticket price?

You can now do so by following these steps:

Add the pricing question by clicking on "Add Question" in the listing editor, choose the relevant pricing question, and tick the "Exempt from taxes" option.

Reporting on taxes

You can easily view and export your tax report.

  1. Login to your Occasion workspace.
  2. Click on "Reports" from the sidebar menu.
  3. Click on "Monthly Sales" under Sales and Marketing.

Change the type of report from the "Group By" button on the right side of the screen to view by month or year.

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