Revenue Recognition Report

One of the pre-formatted reports available in your account is the Revenue Recognition Report.


  1. Login to your Occasion Workspace.
  2. Click on "Reports" from the sidebar menu.
  3. Click on the "Revenue Recognition Report" tile

Understand the data

The report shows you a list of all orders completed across all payment tenders (credit card, cash, gift card, account credit, referral reward) between a specific date range (midnight to midnight).

This report, if your business is on accrual basis, gives you line-item breakdown on how much revenue you originally booked, any third party payments like taxes, tips, fees etc. and shows you a net revenue amount.

Note: This report excludes orders with no time slots. 

Let's understand this using following three use cases.

Use Case 1: Customer books an event happening on August 1. Total paid was $100 of which $10 is tax.

Looking at Revenue Recognition for August 1- you will see the following:

Event Date Gross Payments Refunds Taxes Fees Net Payments
August 1 $100 $0 $10 $0 $90

Use Case 2: Customer books an event happening on August 1. On April 25, the customer makes a partial payment for $50 and then, on May 1, makes $100 additional payment. On May 15, a refund for $10 is given to the customer.

Looking at Revenue Recognition for August 1- you will see the following:

Event Date Gross Payments Refunds Taxes Fees Net Payments
August 1 $150 $10 $0 $0 $140

Use Case 3: Customer books an event happening on August 1 and August 15 for $200. In the case of multi-timeslot event, the numbers are only reports on last event date booked.

Looking at Revenue Recognition for August 1- you will see the following:

Event Date Gross Payments Refunds Taxes Fees Net Payments
August 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Looking at Revenue Recognition for August 15- you will see the following:

Event Date Gross Payments Refunds Taxes Fees Net Payments
August 15 $200 $0 $0 $0 $200

Types of reports available

  • Accounting
    • Monthly Taxes
    • Reconciliation
    • Revenue Recognition
  • Sales and Marketing
    • Trends
    • Monthly Sales
    • Venue Sales
    • Events Intelligence

Export or print

You can easily export your report by clicking the "Export Sales Report" button on the right.

You can export the calendar to an Excel, CSV or PDF format. You can also print it by selecting the Print option.

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