Show/Hide Time Slot Duration

The default setting is to show the Full Duration of the Time Slot, from start to end of the event. 

Example: If a time slot is set from 9:00am-10:00am, this full time slot will show on the Booking Page.

In this article, you will see:

How to show the entire time slot

1. Go "Listings" and click "Edit Listing" on an event.

2. On the left panel, click on the Time Slots tab.

3. Turn the toggle "on" to show the starting and ending time on the event.

Old Checkout

New Checkout

How not to show the entire time slot

Example: The customer will see only 9:00am instead of 9:00am-10:00am on the Booking Page.

Old Checkout

New Checkout

1. Go "Listings" and click "Edit Listing" on an event.

2. On the left panel, click on the Time Slots tab.

3. Turn the toggle off to only show the beginning time of the event.

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