Switching Checkout Versions

Occasion is constantly innovating new ways to improve conversions and increase bookings. Occasion currently operates two versions of checkout

  1. Old: Live since 2023
  2. New: Live since 2024

In this article, you will learn how to:

Differences between V3 and V5

To know the key differences between V3 and V5, refer to this article.

Choose a default checkout for your entire workspace:

You can choose a default checkout for your entire account

  1. Login into your Occasion Workspace
  2. Go to Settings > Account Settings > Business (left panel) > Checkout
  3. Click on "New" to use the newest checkout as your default, and vice versa - click on "Old" to use the previous generation checkout as your default.

Choose a checkout for each listing:

You can choose a checkout version for each of your listings as well.

  1. Login into your Occasion Workspace
  2. Go to Listings
  3. Click "Edit" on the specific listing
  4. On the Basic tab (on the left) - scroll to the bottom.
  5. Select a "checkout" version from the drop-down and click "Save checkout version" (see screenshot below)

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