Update Your Workspace Information

You can easily update information related to your workspace or business on Occasion. Follow the instructions below to

Update Your Personal Information

Complete your profile information to personalize your workspace.

  1. Once you have logged in, click “Settings" from the sidebar menu.
  2. Select "Account Setting" and on the left side of the page, under "Your Account", you will see the following fields. Make any necessary updates.
  3. Under, "Account Details" you can edit:
    • First and Last Name - this helps us get to know you and is not shown to your customers.
    • Email address
    • Password
  4. Click "Save changes" to save the information.

Update Your Business Information

Add information about your business to personalize the customer experience.

  1. Once you have logged in, click “Settings" from the sidebar menu.
  2. Select "Account Setting" and on the left side of the page, under "Your Business", you will see the following fields. Make any necessary updates.
    • Business Name
    • Business Type - select an appropriate category to see listing templates used by similar businesses.
    • Business Logo - upload your business logo which is included in the email confirmation receipts sent to your customers.
  3. Click "Save changes" to save the information.

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