Add GA4 Google Analytics or Gtag.js

Track visitors, sessions, sales, and other metrics in Google Analytics using Google Analytics or Tag Manager.

What can I track with Google Analytics or gtag.js?

You can track metrics like visitors, session, sales, conversions, etc. depending on how you set up your Analytics or Tag Manager account.

How can I track Sales in Google Analytics?

Before integrating your Occasion workspace, please make sure you have "E-commerce Attribution" enabled in Google Analytics. For the latest help on this, here is an article from Google.

Otherwise, here are the steps:

  1. Sign in to Google Analytics.
  2. Click Admin, and navigate to the view you want.
  3. In the VIEW column, click E-commerce Settings.
  4. Set Enable E-commerce to ON.
  5. Click Next step.
  6. Click Submit.

How do I integrate Google Analytics with my Occasion workspace?

Here is the process for setting up Google Analytics for your workspace:

  1. Once in your Google Analytics account, you will need to create a new "Web Property". Please follow the directions outlined by Google to create a Web Property.
  2. Each Web Property in Google Analytics comes with a tracking code that looks like this: "G-########". Here is where you can find your tracking code.
  3. Copy this tracking code and login to your Occasion workspace.
  4. Once you have logged in, go to "Settings", then "Account Settings", and then "Marketing Channels"
  5. Scroll down to the section called "Ad Tracking and Analytics", and turn on the toggle for "Google Analytics".
  6. A new field will show below, where you can "Enter your Google Analytics identifier or tag manager code".
  7. Click "Save Changes" to begin tracking your listings.


When using  GTag.js, we only support Google products, such as Google Ads and Google Marketing Platform. We use the gtag.js implementation and you can find more information on This is not the same as Google Tag Manager.

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