Add a Drop-Down Question to Your Listing

Drop-down questions allow you to give your customers the ability to choose one of several options. You can add two main types of drop-down lists:

Informational Drop-Down Question

Use this drop-down menu to ask customers to choose an option without changing the order total.

From the listing editor, click “Add Question”, then select “Dropdown” and choose “Informational Question”.

  1. Enter the question in the “Title” field. (Example: "Choose from the following.")
  2. You can make this drop-down required, which would prevent customers from completing their orders without selecting an option.
  3. In the “Description” field, add the available list of options customers can choose from.
  4. You can make an option the “default” choice by checking the box in the Default column.
  5. You can add or delete options by clicking the “+” or “-” button to the left.
  6. If you want an option to not be visible to your customers, you can make it “inactive” instead of deleting it by unchecking the active box.
  7. You can reorder the options by clicking the “Change Order” button.
  8. Remember to click "Save," and you can view this on the booking page by clicking "Preview" in the top right corner of the listing editor.

Pricing Drop-Down Question

Use this type of the drop-down menu to ask customers to choose an option that would impact the order total.

From the listing editor, click “Add Question”, then select “Dropdown” and choose “Pricing Question”.

  1. Enter the question in the “Title” field. (Example: "Choose from the following.")
  2. You can make this drop-down required, which would prevent customers from completing their orders without selecting an option.
  3. In the “Description” field, add the available list of options customers can choose from.
  4. In the “Price” field, add the price for each option.
  5. You can make an option the “default” choice by checking the box in the Default column.
  6. You can add or delete options by clicking the “+” or “-” buttons to the left.
  7. If you want an option to not be visible to your customers, you can make it “inactive” instead of deleting it by unchecking the active box.
  8. You can reorder options by clicking the “Change Order” button.
  9. Remember to click "Save," and you can view this on the booking page by clicking "Preview" in the top right corner of the listing editor.

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