Edit Orders

As the business owner, you can easily make changes to submitted Orders on Occasion.

Add notes to orders

  1. After logging into your workspace click on “Orders” from the sidebar menu, or click on "Order List" from your dashboard workspace.
  2. Locate the Order and click on the "Edit Order".
  3. You will now see a place to add/edit notes to the Order at the bottom of the page.

Edit customer information

  1. After logging into your workspace click on “Orders” from the sidebar menu, or click on "Order List" from your dashboard workspace.
  2. Find the order you wish to edit and click "Edit Order".
  3. Click the "Edit Customer" link which can be found on in the middle right side of the Order Details page.
  4. You can edit any question field that does not change the price of the order.
  5. Click "Save"

Note: Send email confirmations (not sent automatically) to your customers after editing the order. Learn how you can re-send an email confirmation to customers.

Reducing Attendees from a booking

Removing partial attendees from a booking will help you create better rosters for your events. To remove all attendees, you should cancel the booking. Few things to note

  • Removing attendees does not automatically refund the customer. You still have to issue refund.
  • Removing attendees is only available to events in which there is only one type of attendee question. If your events have multiple types of attendees (kids, adults etc.), you cannot remove attendees.

  1. After logging into your workspace, click on “Orders” from the sidebar menu, or click on "Order List" from your dashboard workspace.
  2. Find the order you wish to edit and click "Edit Order".
  3. Scroll down and click the "Edit Attendee" button.
  4. You will see a "Remove" button next to the names of the attendees.
  5. Click "Save".

Editing Partially paid orders

  1. After logging into your workspace, click on “Orders” from the sidebar menu, or click on "Order List" from your dashboard workspace.
  2. Find the order you wish to edit and click "Edit Order".
  3. Scroll down and click the "Pricing" button.
  4. You will see a section where you can adjust the pricing question of the order.
  5. Click "Save".

Note: When you adjust the pricing question, the order total balance will also change. You will be able to charge the balance due under Transactions in the order.

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