Add Images to Events

Highlight your experiences and services in just the right way by adding images to all of your listings. Please note that only one image is allowed per listing on Occasion.

What are event images?

Images make your events stand out for your customers when they are looking at your Website Calendar or Booking Page. Choose the right images for your Listing to highlight the experience your customers will be purchasing. Event images are used in several places in Occasion:

  1. On your consumer-facing calendar
  2. On your booking pages
  3. In your email receipts to your customers

Where do event images show?

To understand how to upload images, scroll down to the section on "Adding images from your Computer Files, Web address or Unsplash."

There are two places you can add images to a Listing (or event, which will become the Booking Page that customers view).

You can select up to 5 main event photos, with 1 as the primary photo showing on the Website Calendar and the default main photo on the Booking Page.

Website Calendar Example (Using Pax layout)

Booking Page Example: Old Checkout

New Checkout

Adding Images for add-on Items

You can select images for add-on items, which can be easily enlarged and minimized on desktop and mobile views.

NOTE: You can only upload add-on images from your computer. Main event photos have other capabilities listed further down in this document.

What is the best resolution for my images?

To ensure everyone sees a high-quality image, we recommend uploading a PNG image with a resolution that meets or exceeds 1200x628 pixels. Larger images and/or different aspect ratios are automatically converted by us, so you won't have to worry about any of that. In case you upload a smaller image, padding will be applied where a larger one is necessary.

Adding images from your Computer Files, Web Address, or Unsplash

NOTE: You can only upload add-on images from your computer. Main event photos have these other capabilities.

One of the most common ways you can add images to your events is by uploading them directly from one of your online cloud libraries like Unsplash. Here's how you can add the image by searching for them online:

  1. From the listing editor, click on the "Images" tab on the left panel.
  2. Click the "Upload Image" button

  3. In the pop-up, select Unsplash and then click on the "Connect to Unsplash" button. Search and browse all the free available images.

  4. The first image is automatically saved and uploaded to your event, as the primary image that will show on your Website Calendar and Booking Page. 
  5. You can upload up to 5 images per Listing, that are easily viewed on the Booking Page. Click on the arrows beside the largest image to switch between photos.

Reusing previously uploaded images

When adding images to your event, you will have the option to reuse previously uploaded images. Your most recently used images will be available under the "Images" tab when you are editing the event.

You can select the primary image (to the left) and re-arrange the images in the desired order.

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