Getting customers to do early sign ups

One of the most important things for you as a business owner is to get on the customer's calendar as quickly as possible.

To get customers to register weeks, maybe even months, in advance - two dynamics should be at play.

  1. Urgency: Customers must know that if they don't sign-up early then they will lose out.
  2. Incentive: Customers may need an extra reason to sign-up early, like a discount.

Set a date range for validity of coupon

The Coupons feature in your Occasion workspace can help you drive early registrations by allowing you to create an incentive. By setting a date range for the validity of your coupon, you can also create urgency, leading more of your customers to want to register before the deadline so they can take advantage of the discount.

To learn how to use Coupons, visit this page.


Let's assume we want to encourage customers to sign up early for a class that starts on January 1, 2024. We will give a 5% discount to those who register before December 1, 2023. To do this, we will

  1. Create a coupon code with a 5% discount value.
  2. Start the coupon today and end the validity on 12/1/2023.
  3. Assign listings to this coupon.
  4. Copy the coupon-listing URL and promote it via Social Media and Email Newsletters.

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