Editing, Disabling, Deleting Coupon Campaigns

Use Coupons for promotions and discounts, to generate urgency, or to just reward loyal customers.

View Coupons

  1. After logging into your workspace, click on "Campaigns" from the sidebar menu and then select the "Coupons" tile.
  2. Here you will see a table with valuable information about each of your Coupon codes.

Edit Coupons

  1. After logging into your workspace, click on "Campaigns" from the sidebar menu and then select the "Coupons" tile.
  2. Find the coupon code you wish to edit, and click "Edit" button on the right.
  3. Make the changes you wish to make and click "Save Coupons" at the bottom to save changes.

Disable Coupons

  1. After logging into your workspace, click on "Campaigns" from the sidebar menu and then select the "Coupons" tile.
  2. Find the coupon code you wish to disable and click "Show Coupon" button on the right.
  3. On the right-hand side, click the red "Disable Coupon" button.

Delete Coupons

  1. After logging into your workspace, click on "Campaigns" from the sidebar menu and then select the "Coupons" tile.
  2. Find the coupon code you wish to delete and click "Show Coupon" button on the right.
  3. On the right-hand side, click the red "Delete Coupon" button.

Note: You cannot delete a coupon that has been used on orders.

Remove Listing from a Coupon

  1. After logging into your workspace, click on "Campaigns" from the sidebar menu and then select the "Coupons" tile.
  2. Find the Coupon code you wish to remove a Listing from, and click the "Edit" button on the right.
  3. Scroll down to the last section "Activate for these Listings".
  4. On the right, under "Listings Redeemable", select the Listing you wish to remove from the coupon.
  5. Click the "<" arrow button to make the coupon inactive on that Listing.
  6. Click "Update Coupon".

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