Add New Time Slots - Set the Start and End Times of an Event

There are three types of Time Slots that can be added to a Listing:

  • Individual Time Slot: best for one time events and events that don't happen on a set schedule.
  • Repeating Time Slot: best for events that have a set recurrence schedule (i.e. Art class that happens at 10am on the first Friday of the month, or a private party that can be booked at 5pm every weekday).
  • Series/Sessions Dates and Times: only available for the Series/Sessions listing type, and used to set a number of time slots that would all be purchased at the same time for each registration.

Add new time slots either: 

  • From the listing editor for the listing you'd like to add the time slot for, click on the "Time Slots" tab and select the "Add New Time Slot" button (for a Series/Session type listing, the tab will be called "Dates and Times"), or:
  • From the Calendars page, click on "Add Time Slot" near the left top of the page and select the listing you'd like to add a time slot for.

Add Individual (non-repeating) Time Slots

  1. Select the event date.
  2. Select the start and end times for the event.
  3. Click "Save".

Add Repeating Time Slots

  1. Select the date of the next recurrence of this event.
  2. Select the start and end times for that date.
  3. Click on the "Repeats" box and set the recurrence schedule.
  4. Click "Save".
  5. Repeat steps 1-4 for any additional recurring time slots you'd like to add to this listing.

Add Series/Sessions Dates and Times

  1. From the "Dates and Times" tab choose the number of sessions that will be included in the registration and set the repeating schedule (i.e. Daily, Weekly on Mondays, etc).
  2. Select the date of the first session in the series.
  3. Select the start and end times for the first date.
  4. Click on "Generate Dates", and ensure that the dates and times generated are accurate.

If you do not see the "Dates and Times" tab, it is likely that you do not have the session template in your workspace. Please email us at, and our friendly Happiness Team will assist you.

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