Minimize Double Bookings With Calendar Collision

Calendar Collision is a smart conflict detection feature to help you minimize double bookings. Calendar collision will disable your time slots shown to customers in cases where it recognizes potential conflicts.

In this article, you will cover:

When to use Calendar Collision for your business

There are several use cases in which calendar collision can be helpful to your business:

  1. When you are a solo-entrepreneur and manage your professional availability is determined by your personal calendar.
  2. When your business location has one room but different events are offered at the same time, but only one event can happen at a time.
  3. When your party room can host only one party at a time but you offer several different types of party formats.

Enable/Disable Calendar Collision

You can enable or disable Calendar Collision by clicking on Settings > Advanced Settings > Calendar Collision. If the toggle is purple, this indicates it is enabled. If it is gray, it is disabled. 

Note: This toggle is only visible to Account Owners and will not be seen by staff members.

Calendar Collision between your Occasion calendar and your Google Calendar

You can use Calendar Collision to detect conflicts between your Occasion Workspace Calendar and your personal events in your Google Calendar. If you haven't yet synced your Google Calendar, refer to this article.

Before you enable this feature, it is important to understand how conflicts will be detected and availability will be disabled.

Consider this example:

  • Let's say, on January 3, 2022, from 10-11 am your Occasion calendar shows an event with an available opening for your customers to book.
  • However, your personal Google Calendar also has you scheduled for a doctor's appointment at that same time.
  • Occasion will disable the 10-11 am time slot on January 3, 2022, and will not show it as available to your customers.

To enable conflict detection between Google Calendar and your Occasion Workspace Calendar - please visit this link.

Calendar Collision between events of the same room in your Occasion workspace

With Calendar Collision enabled, if you have multiple listings in the same room with overlapping time slots, the first of the overlapping time slots to be booked would be the only one that is allowed and all other overlapping time slots will then be disabled.

If you have multiple listings in separate rooms or locations, with overlapping time slots, the listings in the other venues will not be affected by calendar collision.  Click here to learn more about creating venues or rooms.

Common Questions:

  1. How do I take bookings for an event "Blocked by Calendar Collision"?
    1. There are only two ways to do this:
      1. You can disable the Calendar Collision feature to re-open blocked events.
      2. Or, you can move the blocked event to a different room/venue - which will reopen the event to Customers.

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