Manage Existing Time Slots - Change, Disable or Delete the Date/Time of an Event

You can easily manage Time Slots directly from the "Calendars" page of your Occasion workspace.

Edit individual Time Slots

You can only edit an individual Time Slot if there are no orders for that time slot. You can remove orders from a Time Slot by either canceling the order or moving it to another time slot of the same listing.

  1. From the "Calendars" page, click on the time slot you'd like to change.
  2. From the lower left, select "Edit" from the Time Slot section.
  3. Make your changes and click "Save".

Edit recurring Time Slots

You can only edit recurring Time Slots if there are no orders for those time slots. You can remove orders from a Time Slot by either canceling the order or moving it to another time slot of the same listing.

  1. From the "Calendars" page, click on the next time slot in the recurrence that you would like to change.
  2. From the lower left, select "Edit" from the Time Slot section.
  3. Select the "Change this and all future time slots in this series" option.
  4. Make your changes and click "Save".

You can also set or change the end date of the recurrence. To stop the recurrence set the recurrence end date to the same as the time slot date.

Delete Time Slots

You can only delete a Time Slot if there are no orders for that time slot. You can remove orders from a Time Slot by either canceling the order or moving it to another time slot of the same listing.

  1. From the "Calendars" page, click on the time slot you would like to delete.
  2. From the lower left, select "Delete" from the Time Slot section.
  3. Confirm that you would like to delete the time slot.

Enable or Disable Time Slots

Disabling a time slot makes it so it's not bookable by your customers.

  1. From the "Calendars" page, click on the time slot you'd like to make not bookable.
  2. From the lower left, select "Disable" from the Time Slot section.

Enabling a time slot makes it so it's bookable by your customers.

  1. From the "Calendars" page, click on the time slot you would like to make bookable.
  2. From the lower left, select "Enable" from the Time Slot section.

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