How to do a Test Transaction

In this article, you'll learn the steps necessary to link your Occasion Workspace to a payment gateway so you can accept online payments! We'll also show you how to do a test transaction and issue a refund.

How to process a Test Transaction?

Learn how to set up the Payment Gateway here.


  1. Once you have connected to your payment gateway, do a Test Transaction. This will charge your credit card $2 and you will issue yourself a refund in the next step.
  2. To cancel the order and issue a refund click on the "Reports" tab on the floating sidebar menu.
  3. Click on "Orders"
  4. Select "Edit Order" for the successful test transaction.
  5. Scroll down to Transactions and click on "Cancel Order". This will cancel the order and remove the person from the roster for the class.
  6. Now click on "Issue Refund", and choose the refund method from the drop-down. Once you've made a selection, choose the amount you'd like to refund and click on the "Finalize" button.

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