Link Your Facebook Call-To-Action Button to Your Occasion Calendar

Facebook allows you to create a great "Call-to-Action" button for your business Facebook page. This call to action shows up on any device - whether it is desktop, laptop, tablets or phones, allowing you to sell anywhere and everywhere.

In this article, you will learn:

  1. Go to your Facebook Business Page
  2. Just below your "Cover" image, on the right, you will see three dots. Click that and select "Add Action Button".

  3. A menu will pop up, we recommend choosing "Contact Us, or "Learn More," as all of these can be set up to redirect to your Occasion Calendar for booking. 

  4. A pop up will appear that prompts you to add a website link.
    1. If you have a link to your "Calendar" on your website, paste that link here.
    2. Otherwise, copy your Occasion Calendar URL by going to:

      Settings > Website Calendars > Share Link > Link for the calendar that you want customers to visit.

  1. Click "Save" to finish.

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