Link Your Facebook Call-To-Action Button to Your Occasion Calendar

Facebook allows you to create a great "Call-to-Action" button for your business Facebook page. This call to action shows up on any device - whether it is desktop, laptop, tablets or phones, allowing you to sell anywhere and everywhere.

In this article, you will learn how to create a Facebook Button and link it to your Occasion Calendar.  

  1. Go to your Facebook Business Page
  2. Just below your "Cover" image, on the right, you will see "Add a Button" in blue. Click that.
  3. A menu will pop up, we recommend choosing "Contact Us, " "Shop on Website," or "Learn More," as all of these can be set up to redirect to your Occasion Calendar for booking. 

  4. A pop up will appear that asks "what website would you like to send people to when they click this button?" (the question is the same for each of the three choices we recommend)
    1. If you have a link to your "Calendar" on your website, paste that link here.
    2. Otherwise, copy your Occasion Calendar URL by going to:
      Settings >Website Calendars > Share Link > Link for the calendar that you want customers to visit.
  5. Click "Save" to finish.

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