Automated Recovery Emails

You can recover abandoned bookings with Occasion's automated recovery email campaign. 

How to Enable Automated Recovery Emails

To enable this feature, go to Settings > Account Settings > Campaigns.

Once there, toggle the "Recover Lost Bookings," switch, it will turn purple.

What is the goal of this feature?

The goal of this feature is to recover bookings from customers who abandon the sign-up page before fully completing it. A series of three emails are sent to the customer:

The first email is sent to the customer 4 hours after the booking is abandoned.

The second and final email is sent to the customer 36 hours after the booking is abandoned.


  1. When does the email sequence stop sending reminders to customers? The email sequence will stop when a customer opens an email or when they complete a booking. For example, if a customer opens the first email reminder but does not book - the second email is no longer sent.
  2. Are the recovery emails sent if the event starts soon? - No, the emails are not sent after the event starts or if the event was made inactive by the merchant.
  3. Are there other instances in which recovery emails may not be sent to the customer? - Recovery emails are not sent to the customer if the customer booked the same event less than a week ago or if the customer abandoned another booking in the last 3 days.
  4. How do I know if these emails are being received and if they're effective? You can view the stats for these emails in Reports > Scroll down to System Emails and filter for "Recovery Emails".

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