Automated Monthly Newsletters

Occasion gives you the ability to send an automated notification to your customers about upcoming events once a month.

The goal of this feature is to drive more bookings by sending personalized emails with upcoming events once a month to customers who opted-in to receive them.

In this article, you can learn about:

How you can enable/disable Monthly Newsletter

  • Go to Settings > Account Settings > Campaigns
  • Scroll down and look for "Send Monthly Newsletters".
  • Turn the switch "On" to enable or "Off" to disable.
  • To enable/disable any of the features, simply turn the toggle on. Feature descriptions are listed further down in this article.

How to filter certain events to show/hide from the Monthly Newsletter

Events shown in the Monthly Newsletter are generated using Occasion AI's Spotlight Event Recommendation algorithm. You can read more about Spotlight here.

How to Customize the Monthly Newsletter

You can change the link where Customers go when they click the "See All Events" CTA, By clicking on the "edit" icon

How customers can opt-in

  • An "opt-in" check box to subscribe to emails is visible on all checkout pages.
  • An email is sent to existing customers to opt-in.

Opt-in Email Example:

The first email sent is to all customers on this page in your Occasion. The email is sent to customers asking them to "subscribe" to a monthly update of your calendar of events. The email is sent on the very first Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday at 10am local time following the activation of this feature. 

If the customer clicks the "Subscribe" button and confirms their subscription - they will see this confirmation screen.

Opt-in Checkbox on Checkout Page:

Future customers will be prompted to subscribe to upcoming events emails when they sign up for an event. The opt-in is available as a "check-box" in the "customer information" section.

Example of Monthly Newsletter sent to Customers

Customers who opt-in will receive an automated email generated with events periodically that looks something like below. Customers can click anywhere on the event to sign up for the events. This email is sent to customers once a month on either Monday/ Tuesday/ Wednesday in the first week of a new month. 

The preview of this email is visible to you under Settings > My account > Marketing Channels. Scroll to find "Send Monthly Newsletters"

Unsubscribing a customer from receiving monthly newsletters

There are two ways to do this:

  • A user can "unsubscribe" a customer from receiving these emails. On Occasion's seller dashboard, pull up the customer profile by clicking the "Show Customer" button by going to Bookings > Customers. In the top-left panel, you will see the "Subscribe" button. Clicking that will unsubscribe the customer from receiving future monthly newsletters.
  • A customer can "unsubscribe" from the upcoming events emails by clicking the "unsubscribe" link in the footer of the monthly newsletter. They will not receive future newsletters until they re-subscribe by booking again.

Common Questions

  1. Is the first opt-in email sent to all customers? The first opt-in email is only sent to customers who have booked at least once and have not yet subscribed to the upcoming events emails. It is also not sent to customers who have received this notification in the past 30 days.
  2. How do I know the results from this feature? You can see campaign statistics by going to Reports > Monthly newsletters within your Occasion workspace.
  3. When are the event emails sent to customers? - The event emails are sent to customers on a bi-weekly to bi-monthly basis right now. We will continue to tweak the frequency of the emails based on initial feedback from merchants and engagement data from customers.
  4. What events are included in the emails sent to customers? Events have to meet these criteria to be included in the upcoming events emails to the customers.
    1. Events should still be available for registrations i.e. cannot be sold out or closed for bookings.
    2. Event date/time should be at least two days after the email is scheduled to be sent. For example, if the email is sent on July 1, the events only after July 3 will be included.
    3. Events without images will be excluded as well.
  5. How do I customize the calendar that appears when my customers click the "See Full Calendar" button? - Yes! The calendar must be an Occasion calendar that you as the User must create and customize, found under Settings > Website Calendars. The shareable link must be used here, but you can use any Website Calendar of your choosing.

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