Automated Reminder Email

You can remind customers of their upcoming events and decrease no-shows through Occasion's automated reminder email campaign. 

How to enable Reminder Emails

To enable this feature, go to Settings > Account Settings > Campaigns.

Once there, toggle the switch, and it will turn purple.

Set days in advance of event to send the Reminder Email

You can edit the schedule for sending reminder emails when editing the event under the "Email Receipts" tab. 

Please note: If you change the schedule for reminder emails, the new setting will only apply to time slots that do not yet have any bookings and to new time slots that are added after the change.

Example of Reminder Email

The reminder email is sent to customers prior to the start of their booked event, depending on the timeframe chosen during the event setup (mentioned in this article, above). Here's an example of what that email looks like:


For series or multi-date events, when is the reminder email sent to the customer? A reminder email is sent once prior to the start of each time slot for the event that the customer booked.

Can I turn off reminder emails being sent to my customers? Yes, go to Settings > Account Settings > Campaigns. Once there, toggle the switch, and it will turn gray.

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