Create Different Types of Events - Individual/Recurring, Series/Sessions, Multi-Date/Drop-Ins and More

There are 3 types of events you can create on Occasion. 

  1. Individual/Recurring

  2. Series/Sessions

  3. Multi-Date/Drop-Ins


One time events. When your customers sign up for one of these events, they will register and pay for one time slot only.

To add time slots from within the listing editor:

  1. Click on the “Time Slots” tab.
  2. Click on the “Add new time slot” button.
  3. Choose the event date, start, and end time.
  4. For recurring events select the “Repeats” checkbox and set the recurrence schedule.
  5. Click “Save”.


Events that include multiple dates and times (ex. Summer Camps that happen every day for a week).

When your customers sign up for one of these events, their registration includes all of the dates and times you’ve defined as being included in the series.

To add time slots from within the listing editor:

  1. Click on the “Dates and Times” tab.
  2. Select the number of sessions that would be included in the registration.
  3. Choose the recurrence type (ex. “Daily” for summer camps that happen every day for a week)
  4. Choose the date, start and end time of the first session in the series.
  5. Click on “Generate Dates”.

You can further adjust pro-rata settings such as

  • The last session at which you’d like to allow registrations.
  • Whether you’d like to offer a pro-rated discount to customers who register from a session later than the first.


Events that happen according to a set recurrence schedule (ex. 5 pm on the first Friday of the month).

When registering your customers can pick and choose which time slots they would like to sign up for on the same order. The Total would be multiplied by the number of time slots they select, and the registration details will be the same for each time slot.

To add time slots from within the listing editor:

  1. Click on the “Time Slots” tab.
  2. Click on the “Add new time slot” button.
  3. Choose the event date, start and end time of the next time this event is happening.
  4. Select the “Repeats” checkbox.
  5. Add the recurrence schedule (ex. For Monday through Friday or every week, select “Weekly” from the drop down and click on “M”, “T”, “W”, “T”, “F”), and click “Ok”
  6. Click “Save”.

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