
In this article, you will learn how Waitlist works in Occasion (so far).

Common Questions:

How to Opt-In

Great news! All accounts will automatically include the option to add a Waitlist to a specific time slot of an event, as long as the time slot is sold out and displaying on a website calendar, owned by Occasion.

Note: There is one exception, where the Waitlist will not exist for Session events, where customers are required to book all time slots created for an event in one purchase on the Old Checkout.

How do customers add themselves to the Waitlist?

Customers will access the Waitlist by going to a website calendar (owned and created on Occasion) and selecting a sold out time slot.


Then, once the event is selected, the booking page will prompt the customer to "Join Waitlist" or select a different available time.


The customer will fill in the information from the pop-up screen.


Where does the Waitlist get stored?

Find the specific event and time slot from the Calendar Workspace.

Once the time slot is selected, you will notice the Waitlist already stored (if customers have signed up) underneath the Roster.

Note: All entries are recorded in order (chronologically) from top to bottom. If you use a queuing system with your customers, this will help.


How do I invite customers to an event from the Waitlist?

Waitlist works on a first come, first served basis. Once you open the availability, anyone online can book, so if you want to guarantee a particular customer a spot, it’s best to first call or email them first and then confirm if they’re still interested before opening up that spot.

Here's what you'll have to do:

  1. Decide if you want to open the spot for anyone online or if you want to guarantee a spot for a particular customer.
  2. Increase the availability manually from the specific time slot on the Calendar Workspace
  3. Email or call/text your customers by using the "link" to the event to invite them to book.

There is no automated way to invite customers at the moment. But, good news! We are collecting feedback on how to improve the Waitlist now that we have it stored in Occasion. If you're interested in working with us, shoot us an email at help@getoccasion.com.

What if the customer books another time slot on the same listing? 

The customer will be removed from the waitlist for the original time slot since they have completed a booking for that listing.

How do I provide feedback to improve the Waitlist?

There is no automated way to invite customers at the moment. But, good news! We are collecting feedback on how to improve the Waitlist now that we have it stored in Occasion. If you're interested in working with us, shoot us an email at help@getoccasion.com.

Why am I not seeing Waitlist?

Our Waitlist feature only exists on our new website calendars. If you are using one of our legacy calendars, you will not be able to access Waitlist.

If you need assistance adding the newer designs, please reach out to us at help@getoccasion.com.

I do not want to see the Waitlist

If you prefer not to display the waitlist for your event, you can easily switch your listing to Private in the New Checkout.

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