Track revenue from bulk Coupons

If you entered an amount in the "Revenue from Voucher" field when you created your bulk Coupons, you can track your revenue from a specific Coupon/voucher. First, here are some definitions:

  • Cash Value: This is what the customer pays to buy a daily deal voucher.
  • Discount Value: This is what the voucher is worth at the time of redemption.
  • Revenue Collected: This is what the business makes in revenue when a voucher is redeemed.

Example: If a customer buys a Groupon voucher worth $50 for $25, and on every voucher the business makes $15, below will be the breakdown.

  • Cash Value: $25
  • Discount Value: $50
  • Revenue Collected: $15

Track revenue

To view your revenue reports:

  1. Login to your Occasion account
  2. Click on “Orders” from the top menu navigation, or click on "Looking up an Order" from the middle of the dashboard page.
  3. To view the revenue column in the report, click on "Columns" on the top-right corner and select "Price + Voucher". This column will show you the revenue you collected on the order; any cash/ credit card payment + revenue from a voucher.

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