Use Square Payments as a payment gateway

Connecting your Square account with Occasion is quick and easy. If you don't already have a Square account, you can create a free account here.

In this article, you will cover the following topics:

What you need to know

  • Login and password to your Square account
  • Have an active location set up that has credit card processing enabled. If you are unsure how to do this, contact Square Support.

Connecting to Square

  1. Login to your Occasion Workspace, and click on Settings > Account Settings > Integrations.
  2. Under "Payment Systems", click "Customize"
  3. In the section for Square, click "Activate⚡".
    • A popup screen will open and you will follow the steps provided there.
    1. Sign in to Square by entering the email and password associated with your Square Account.
    2. Click on "Allow" to give Occasion permissions to access your Square account
  4. That's it! Your Square account is now connected to Occasion!

Tracking Occasion Sales in Square

We recommend adding a new location to your Square account and calling it "Occasion". While connecting your Square account to Occasion, you will be prompted to choose a location. At this time, choose "Occasion". This will help you reconcile your online sales more easily.

Tracking Sales by Location in Square

Let's assume you have two locations (each location has a different address) in your Square account. Here's how to track sales from Occasion to each location in your Square account.

  1. You will need two separate accounts on Occasion, one for each location.
  2. You can connect the same Square account to multiple Occasion accounts.
  3. During the Square integration process, you will be prompted to choose which location you want to connect. For the Location A account, you should choose "Location A" during your integration.
  4. To switch locations in which your Occasion sales are processed, you will need to "Connect to Square" again.

Reporting in Square

Occasion will send Order ID to Square to help you connect the payment details to Orders in Occasion.

SCA compliance for European Sellers

Occasion's Square integration is SCA compliant for European Sellers. SCA is a type of verification system applicable only to European merchants when processing payments online. Depending on the type of credit card, you will be asked to verify specific security questions that are already set up with your bank account.

Note: When a payment is processed in QuickOrder, additional customer verification will not be necessary; it works as if the card was used.

Common Questions:

  1. Why does verification only show on some orders and not others?
    1. SCA is not compliant with Quickorders, when a payment is made through QuickOrder, no additional customer verification is needed.
    2. SCA is not required for all orders because it depends on the customer's bank requirements. Therefore, sometimes a customer will see a verification screen and others won't.
  2. Will my customer's credit card information be stored?
    1. Yes, but only for events that include deposits. This way, the remaining balance can be collected immediately without having to reach out to the customer again.

      Note: For events that include deposits, your customers will be asked to verify twice on the booking page. Let them know that this isn't a mistake.

  3. Why am I seeing a 0 € charge?
    1. Not to worry. At first, if the order requires verification, the charge will say 0 € because the order has not completed verification yet. Once verification goes through, you will see the charge reflected accurately in Square.

Volume Discount on interchange from Square

If you are a Seller that does not have more than $250,000 per year in credit card processing - you can request Square to discount your interchange rate by applying here.

Common Questions:

  1. Help, I get this error: "Location cannot be blank. A Square merchant must have at least one physical location with which to associate transactions in order to take online payments."
    1. Make sure you complete filling out all the information for your location.
    2. If it is not completed you will need to complete this and reconnect in Occasion via the Integrations page and select "Square" from the list of available integrations.
    3. If you keep getting this error please contact Square support and ask them to enable your location for credit card processing. 

Note: If you need help connecting your gateway, contact us at

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