Create and Customize Your Occasion Views / Public Calendars

Creating and customizing your Occasion views and public calendars is an essential part for effective event management and coordination.

In this Article we look at:

How to create a new Calendar

Creating a new Calendar for your listings is fast and easy.

Note: You can add and manage up to 30 layouts (views). If you need more than this, please reach out to for assistance.

  1. From the sidebar menu click on Settings > Website Calendars.
  2. To create a new Calendar, click the blue "Create New View" button by the top-right corner on the left panel.
  3. Give your new Calendar, an easy to remember name like "Kids Classes". This title will only be viewable on the backend for management purposes, so your customers will not see it on your calendar.
  4. Select a Layout for your Calendar that best suits your design needs. There are six beautiful layouts to choose from. You can preview the designs before saving changes by selecting "Desktop Preview" or "Mobile Preview".
  5. Customize the colors and wording for your Open Events, Closed Events, Announcements and Sold Out Events by selecting the color palette and changing terms to whatever you'd like to reflect your brand.
  6. You can also set default filters (like keyword search and venue filter) on your new Calendar. Here's more information on how filtering works on Calendars.
  7. Once complete, go ahead and save changes by clicking the "Save Changes" button.

Next: Learn how to embed the Calendar into your Website or connect a button to the Calendar as a link

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