Update your business information

In this article, you will learn how to update all business information such as:

Business Logo

Go to Settings > Account Settings > Your Business and click on "Branding"

You only need to upload your Business Logo once to update and display on every booking page.

Old Checkout

New Checkout

Business Name and Type

Go to Settings > Account Settings > Your Business and click on "Branding"

Only your Business Name will display publicly on every booking page and website calendar.

The Business Type is only for internal purposes, for Occasion to track.

Customer Service

Go to Settings > Account Settings > Your Business and click on "Customer Service"

When your customers need help, they will contact you here. This email and phone number will appear on every automated email to your customers unless overridden on each individual venue.

How to override this information at the Venue Setting:

  1. Go to Settings on the side bar menu.
  2. Select Venues & Rooms and click "Edit" on the venue you would like to have unique contact information.
  3. Once you are editing the venue, you will be able to update your business location name, address, website, and the customer service contact information.
  4. To override the customer service contact information section, simply de-select the checkbox that says "This venue uses the same customer service information as the main account."
  5. You will then view two fields to enter a customized email and phone number.
  6. Save!

Advanced Settings (Set Default Tax Rate, Fee Mark-Up, Calendar Collision)

Go to Settings > Account Settings > Advanced Settings

For each item on this page, there is a help article linked. If you have any further questions, please reach out to help@getoccasion.com

Credits Management

Go to Settings > Account Settings > Your Business and click on "credit"

Here, you will set up when your Gift Card, Account Credit, and Referral Rewards (if applicable) expire automatically upon creation. You can also manually set an expiration date.

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