Booking Fees from Occasion

What is a Booking Fee?

A booking fee is our percentage-based fee that is collected per online transaction.

There are two types of Booking Fees that Occasion charges for:

In these articles, we will explain how these fees are calculated, charged, and collected.


  • Why Booking Fees?
  • Is it clear what the Booking Fee is on the Booking Page?
  • Can you change who pays the Booking Fees?
  • What happens when bookings are cancelled?

  • Why Booking Fees?

    We, as Occasion, collect these booking fees as a way to tie our revenue directly to your success as the merchant. We are a small business ourselves and by being a part of your journey, we can grow and succeed together.

    Is it clear what the Booking Fee is on the Booking Page?

    If you are passing your booking fees onto your customers, the customer will see the breakdown of the fees before they submit payment by clicking on the information icon next to the "Taxes & Fees" line item.

    Can you change who pays the Booking Fees?

    Yes! You can either absorb the booking fees as the merchant or pass them on to your customers.

    1. Go to Settings > Billing > Manage Account and select the Booking Fees tab.

    What happens when bookings are cancelled?

    Regardless of whether you're using Square or Stripe as your payment processor, we will give proportional refunds to every customer when a refund is processed through Occasion.

    For example, if you process a $50 refund on $100 total, Occasion will refund 50% of the booking fees to the customer.

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