Create a Recurring Event For Your Skating Rink

With growing demand for your skating sessions, setting up a recurring schedule ensures more availability for eager skaters.

In this article, you’ll learn how to:

A repeating time slot is ideal for events with a set schedule, like an open skate session at 10 a.m. on the first Saturday of each month or a private party reservation available at 5 p.m. on weekdays.

💡 Click this link to learn how to create your listing: 👉 Build Your Play Session 👈

Schedule a recurring time slot for your event

After Creating your listing, it's now time to schedule the dates for your Skating Rink Event.

  1. Add a New Time Slot in the listing editor from the listing you created by clicking on the Time Slots tab and select Add New Time Slot.
  2. Set the start and end times for the skating session. For example, you might schedule a 2-hour public skate from 7pm to 9pm.
  3. Click on the Repeats box and set the recurrence schedule by selecting the frequency, such as daily, weekly, or monthly. For instance, you could schedule the skating rink to be open for public skate every Friday and Saturday evening from 7pm to 9pm. Also, specify an end date for the recurring schedule.

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