Find Your Events in Google Search and Google Maps

With Occasion's Google Events Integration, you can grow your business by allowing your existing and potential customers to book your Occasion events directly from Google Search or Google Maps.

Note: If you are the owner of a chain and you have multiple locations in a single Google My Business account, the Occasion Google Events integration is not supported for your account.

To learn more about Google My Business for chains please refer to this Google My Business support article.

Benefits of Google Events Integration

  • Increase conversion by dramatically shortening the path between your customers searching for your business and booking your events.
  • Save time and effort by having your business visible right when people search for your business name on Google Search and Google Maps.
  • If you haven't set up the Google Events integration yet, learn how here, then come back to this article to learn more!

How it works

When people search for your business on Google, your events will show up in your business profile and can be booked right from the Google Search page and on Google Maps. By clicking on the "Book" button, the customer can immediately book your class.

Which events will be posted to Google?

Only events that meet the following criteria will be posted to Google:

  • Events must have an initial availability of more than 5 people and must be happening up to 7 days in the future. 
  • Events must be marked as "Public" in the listing editor. Learn more about public/private events here.
  • Events, that occur as a series (ex: a 10-week class), will only be added as one event, for the first date of the series.

Events that meet this criteria are posted every Wednesday and Sunday.


Why is my event not posted on Google?

For your events to be posted on Google they must meet the following criteria:

  • Listing has to be marked as "Active" and "Public".
  • Availability has to be more than 5.
  • The event has to be happening in the next 7 days. If it's happening more than 7 days from now, it will be posted on Google when it fits within this threshold.

What happens if I make changes to an event in Occasion, that's already been published on Google? 

 If an event happening sooner than the next 7 days is changed, moved, or deleted from Occasion, you will have to make the change on Google yourself.

Will my private events be posted to Google? 

No. Any events marked as "Private" in the listing editor will not be posted to Google.

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